MSSC Admin
Note that RAM (Random Access Memory) is different from storage space (usually HD [hard drive] or SSD [solid state drive]), although both are frequently identified by the same unit (GB).
System Requirements Check:

The following are the minimum required system specifications to access all features on the LMS:

Windows devices (including Surface tablets):

  • Windows 10 64-bit (may function under previous versions/different operating systems, but testing & support limited to Windows 10)
  • 8GB RAM
  • Sound card (or onboard sound)
  • Video card (or onboard video) with WebGL support
  • 64-bit Browser with WebGL 2.0 support
  • Broadband Internet access (DSL/Cable/T1/etc.) capable of 1 Mbps

Mac devices (does NOT include iPads):

  • macOS 64-bit (may function under different operating systems, but testing & support limited to 64-bit macOS)
  • 8GB RAM
  • Sound card (or onboard sound)
  • Video card (or onboard video) with WebGL support
  • 64-bit Browser with WebGL 2.0 support
    • Recommended browser: Firefox
  • Broadband Internet access (DSL/Cable/T1/etc.) capable of 1 Mbps

Chromebooks (does NOT include other tablets):

  • ChromeOS 64-bit
  • 6GB RAM
  • Sound card (or onboard sound)
  • Video card (or onboard video) with WebGL support
  • 64-bit Browser with WebGL 2.0 support
  • Broadband Internet access (DSL/Cable/T1/etc.) capable of 1 Mbps

Mobile Devices not listed above that may function properly, but are not yet supported (iPad, Galaxy Tab, Fire, etc.):

  • Memory 8GB RAM
    • Note: Determining RAM on an iPad is problematic. As a reference, 2020 iPads (8th generation) have 3GB RAM; 2020 iPad Pro (4th generation) have 6GB RAM.
  • Various operating systems - under evaluation
  • Sound card (or onboard sound)
  • Video card (or onboard video) with WebGL support
  • 64-bit Browser with WebGL 2.0 support
  • Broadband Internet access (mobile data/Wi-Fi/etc.) capable of 1 Mbps

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